On a windows platform, you might face this error while trying to check for errors relating to system drivers and other related system fixes. The command that can invoke this error is SFC/SCANNOW , although there are other options that can be used with SCF(System File Checker)
SCF is a utility in windows that can help you to identify and treat corrupted files in your system.

Now let’s not waste time and move to fixing this “WINDOWS REPAIR PROTECTION COULD NOT START THE REPAIR SERVICE” error.  In order to achieve this execute the following steps:

Step1 : Click start and type services.msc and open it.

Step2 : Search Windows Modules Installer and double click it.


Step3 : In the general section, set Startup type to Manual(see oval in image).

Step4 : Click apply and ok. That’s all. This should solve your problem.


Step1 :  Click start and type cmd but do not click it yet.

Step 2 : Right click on cmd and click on run as administrator.

Now the command prompt will look something like this( I have added the command here)


You can check your computer for errors via sfc/scannow and some of them get resolved automatically using this command, but not all of them. So what about the rest of them, well you will have to check them by yourself or get them checked by someone. Here is a way of how to get the file that sfc/scannow generates for its logging purpose.

SFC/SCANNOW generates a log file to store the operations it has performed while checking your system for errors, and this file can show you the files that SFC could not replace. The address for this log file is C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log but you cannot access this file directly. So you will have to do a little bit of command prompt action to get your hands on it. Here is how to do it:

Step1 : Open your cmd with run as administrator just like you did above.

Step2: Now copy and paste this command in this window

findstr /c:"[SR]" %windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log >"%userprofile%\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt"

Note: You cannot paste using ctrl+v. You have to use paste in right click options.

Stp3: Press enter. There will be a file on your desktop with the name sfcdetails.txt.

Now you can check this file for errors and other technical stuff.

I hope this article was of some help to you all. Your suggestions are always welcome and thanks for reading. God bless you all. 


  1. Thank you for the above instructions, I executed them in the Administrators account and they worked fine, but when I tried to do it in the User account that isn't working properly it doesn't work. When I click on cmd.exe it only says OPEN not OPEN AS ADMINISTRATOR. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated?

  2. Hi,

    I have ubuntu and windows both on my system. I am able to access ubuntu but windows is booting completely. I tried to repair the start up but that is also not working. I have also tried using admin command prompt and which shows the above mentioned error. So, the problem is since I cant access windows i can't fix the sfcdetails problem in windows. So, could you please suggest if there is any other possible way to fix it.

  3. Did not work for me (windows 8 64)

  4. The Module service was already set to manual, Windows 8.1

  5. Setting TrustedInstaller to Manual did not work for me either.

  6. Worked for me, Thanks man!

  7. did not work here either although I am not ruling out that other services may need to be started (windows 7 32-bit)

  8. Did not work - service was already set to Manual and was already running.
    "SFC/scannow" will not work because there must be a space before the slash.
